PHP unit tests on WordPress

Category: PHPWordPress Views: 158

PHPUnit is a testing framework for PHP that can be used to write and run unit tests for WordPress. Here are the general steps to set up and run PHPUnit tests...

How to Fix PHP Memory limit errors on VPS ?

Category: PHP Views: 58

If you are seeing a PHP memory limit error on your VPS (Virtual Private Server), it means that your PHP script is trying to use more memory than the limit...

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function query() on null after upgrading to PHP 8.0

Category: PHP Views: 184

The error message Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function query() on null indicates that you are trying to call the query() method on an object...

Is PHP a Dead Language?

Category: PHP Views: 184

PHP is not a dead language. It is still actively used and developed by a large community of developers. As of 2021, PHP is still one of the most popular...

Getting a Syntax Error while calling the function in PHP CODE

Category: PHP Views: 84

A syntax error in your PHP code occurs when there is a mistake in the structure of the code. This can happen for a variety of reasons, such as missing a...

Can’t get $_COOKIE[”] inside PHP function

Category: PHP Views: 26

If you are unable to access the $_COOKIE global variable inside a PHP function, there are a few things that could be causing the issue. Firstly, make sure that...

How can I change the aspect ratio of images in php

Category: PHP Views: 89

There are several ways to change the aspect ratio of images in PHP, one of the most common ways is by using the GD library that comes pre-installed with PHP....

WordPress Website Crashed when change wp-config.php code

Category: TroubleshootingPHP Views: 13

If your WordPress website has crashed after modifying the wp-config.php file, it could be due to a syntax error or an incorrect configuration setting. Here are...

How to convert JSON feed to rss in php

Category: JSONPHP Views: 86

To convert a JSON feed to RSS in PHP, you will need to parse the JSON feed data and use the SimpleXML extension to create an RSS feed. Here is an example of...

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