In WordPress, block variations are different variations of a block that are used to provide a specific look or behavior. Each variation is identified by a unique name, which can be used to determine which variation should be rendered in the render_callback function.

Here’s an example of how you could use the variation name to identify and render a specific block variation in the render_callback function:

function my_block_render_callback( $attributes, $content ) {
    if ( isset( $attributes['variation'] ) ) {
        switch ( $attributes['variation'] ) {
            case 'variation1':
                // Render variation 1
            case 'variation2':
                // Render variation 2
                // Render default variation
    } else {
        // Render default variation

In this example, the render_callback function checks for the existence of the variation attribute in the block’s attributes. If it exists, the function uses a switch statement to check the value of the variation attribute. Depending on the value, it will render a specific variation of the block. If it doesn’t exist, then it renders the default variation.

It is important to note that the variation attribute is set by the client when the block is selected, and passed to the render_callback function. So, the attribute must be defined in the block’s registration function in the PHP code and must be passed on the client side to the block’s attributes.

It’s also important to note that in the render_callback function you should not use a query_posts() function or any other modification of the main query, as it can cause unexpected results.

Also, you should make sure that the variations you are using are registered, otherwise the attribute will not be passed and the render_callback function will not be able to identify the variation.

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