Yes, you can implement pagination using a DataView in several ways. Here are a few options:

  1. One option is to use the sort and slice functions provided by the DataView object to retrieve a specific page of data. For example:
Copy codeconst pageSize = 10;
const currentPage = 2;

// Sort the DataView by the desired column
dataView.sort([{ column: 'name', desc: false }]);

// Retrieve the desired page of data
const startIndex = (currentPage - 1) * pageSize;
const endIndex = startIndex + pageSize;
const pageData = dataView.slice(startIndex, endIndex);
  1. Another option is to use the setFilterArgs and setFilter functions provided by the DataView object to filter the data based on the current page. For example:
Copy codeconst pageSize = 10;
const currentPage = 2;

// Set the filter arguments for the DataView
  pageSize: pageSize,
  pageNumber: currentPage

// Set the filter function for the DataView
dataView.setFilter(function(item, args) {
  const startIndex = (args.pageNumber - 1) * args.pageSize;
  const endIndex = startIndex + args.pageSize;
  const index = dataView.getIdxById(;
  return index >= startIndex && index < endIndex;

// Refresh the DataView to apply the filter
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