“LearnDash” is a popular WordPress plugin that helps you create and manage online courses and training programs. It offers a wide range of features including course creation, lesson management, quiz and survey creation, certificate generation, student progress tracking, and more.

Here are some basic steps to get started with LearnDash:

  1. Install and activate the LearnDash plugin on your WordPress site.
  2. Create a new course by going to LearnDash LMS > Courses > Add New. Give your course a title and fill in any other relevant information.
  3. Add lessons and topics to your course. Lessons can be added within the course editor, and topics can be added within the lessons.
  4. Create quizzes and surveys to assess student progress. Quizzes can be created under LearnDash LMS > Quizzes, and surveys can be created under LearnDash LMS > Surveys.
  5. Set up certificates for students who complete your course. Certificates can be created under LearnDash LMS > Certificates.
  6. Assign students to your course and track their progress. Students can be assigned to a course by going to LearnDash LMS > Users > Add New.
  7. Customize the look and feel of your course pages by using LearnDash’s customization options, or by using custom CSS.
  8. Finally, publish your course and start enrolling students.

This is a general overview of how LearnDash works. For more detailed information on how to use LearnDash, you can refer to the official documentation or seek the help of an experienced WordPress developer.

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