In SQL, you can use the DATE_TRUNC() function to extract the month and year from a date column, and then use the COUNT() function to count the number of rows for each month and year.

Here is an example of how you might do this in SQL:

Copy codeSELECT 
  DATE_TRUNC('month', date_column) as month_year,
  COUNT(*) as count
FROM your_table
GROUP BY month_year
ORDER BY month_year;

In the above query, the DATE_TRUNC() function is used to extract the month and year from the ‘date_column’ and assigns it to the new column ‘month_year’. The COUNT() function is used to count the number of rows for each unique ‘month_year’ value. The query groups the results by ‘month_year’ and orders them in ascending order.

The above query is written for PostgreSQL, for other databases the DATE_TRUNC function may vary. For example, in MySQL you can use the DATE_FORMAT() function to extract the month and year.

Copy codeSELECT 
  DATE_FORMAT(date_column,'%Y-%m') as month_year,
  COUNT(*) as count
FROM your_table
GROUP BY month_year
ORDER BY month_year;

It will give you the count of rows for each month and year in the column ‘date_column’

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