WooCommerce endpoints are specific URLs that allow developers to access and manipulate WooCommerce data using the WordPress REST API. These endpoints are used to retrieve or manipulate information related to orders, customers, products, coupons, and more.

Some common WooCommerce endpoints include:

  • /wp-json/wc/v3/orders: retrieves a list of orders
  • /wp-json/wc/v3/products: retrieves a list of products
  • /wp-json/wc/v3/customers: retrieves a list of customers
  • /wp-json/wc/v3/coupons: retrieves a list of coupons

Developers can also create custom endpoints using the WooCommerce REST API. These custom endpoints can be used to retrieve or manipulate data related to custom post types, taxonomies, or any other data that is stored in the WordPress database.

Using WooCommerce endpoints allows developers to integrate WooCommerce with other systems or applications, as well as automate tasks and perform bulk operations on WooCommerce data.

Not all WooCommerce endpoints are accessible to all users. The WordPress REST API uses authentication and permissions to control access to sensitive data. Therefore, developers need to ensure that their applications have the necessary permissions to access the desired endpoints.

Some common authentication methods used with WooCommerce endpoints include OAuth 1.0a, OAuth 2.0, and basic authentication. Developers can also create custom authentication methods if needed.

WooCommerce endpoints are a powerful tool for developers looking to extend the functionality of WooCommerce and create custom integrations with other systems.

How to hide snippet in WooCommerce endpoints

There are a few ways to hide a snippet in WooCommerce endpoints:

  1. Using the woocommerce_endpoint_<endpoint>_title filter: You can use this filter to remove the endpoint title from the endpoint URL. For example, if your endpoint is example, you can use the following code to remove the endpoint title:
add_filter( 'woocommerce_endpoint_example_title', '__return_false' );

2. Using the woocommerce_account_menu_items filter: You can use this filter to remove the endpoint from the account menu. For example, if your endpoint is example, you can use the following code to remove the endpoint from the menu:

add_filter( 'woocommerce_account_menu_items', 'remove_example_endpoint' );
function remove_example_endpoint( $items ) {
    unset( $items['example'] );
    return $items;
  1. Using CSS: If you only want to hide the endpoint snippet and not remove it, you can use CSS to hide it on the front-end. For example, you can use the following code to hide the snippet with the class .example-endpoint
.example-endpoint {
    display: none;

It’s important to note that removing an endpoint will affect the functionality of the website, so it’s important to test the website after removing the endpoint to ensure that everything is working as expected.


What are WooCommerce endpoints?

WooCommerce endpoints are URLs that correspond to specific pages or actions within a WooCommerce store, such as the cart page, checkout page, and my account page.

Why would I want to hide a snippet in WooCommerce endpoints?

There are several reasons why you might want to hide a snippet in WooCommerce endpoints. For example, you may want to prevent a certain script or style from loading on the checkout page to improve page load times or to prevent conflicts with other plugins.

How can I hide a snippet in WooCommerce endpoints?

To hide a snippet in WooCommerce endpoints, you can use conditional tags in your functions.php file. These tags allow you to specify which pages or actions the snippet should be applied to.

Are there any other conditional tags I can use to hide snippets in WooCommerce endpoints?

Yes, there are several conditional tags you can use, such as is_cart() for the cart page, is_account_page() for the my account page, and is_product() for individual product pages. You can find a full list of conditional tags in the WooCommerce documentation.

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