When positioning an element on a page that is generated by a shortcode, there are a few different methods you can use depending on the specific situation and the theme you are using. Here are a few examples:

Using CSS:

One way to position an element generated by a shortcode is to use CSS. You can give the element a class or ID and then use that class or ID in your CSS to position the element. For example, if the shortcode generates a <div> with the class “my-shortcode”, you could use the following CSS to position it:

.my-shortcode {
  position: absolute;
  top: 50px;
  left: 50px;

Using JavaScript/jQuery:

If you want to position an element based on the position of other elements on the page, you can use JavaScript or jQuery to calculate the position and then apply it to the element generated by the shortcode.

$(document).ready(function() {
    var myShortcode = $(".my-shortcode");
    var offset = $(".other-element").offset();
       position: "absolute",
       top: offset.top + 20,
       left: offset.left + 20

Modifying the shortcode function:

Another way to position an element generated by a shortcode is to modify the shortcode function itself. If you have access to the code that generates the shortcode, you can add CSS styles or add additional markup to the HTML output of the shortcode that will position the element.

It’s important to note that the best approach will depend on the structure of your theme and the specific shortcode being used. So, it’s recommended to test different approaches and use the one that works best for your specific situation. Also, it’s always good practice to use a child theme and make any modifications to the shortcode function or the CSS styles in the child theme so that the changes are not lost when the parent theme is updated.

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