WordPress, paired with Elementor, offers a powerful and user-friendly platform for designing and customizing your website. In this tutorial, we’ll guide you through the process of creating an image carousel on your WordPress page using Elementor, allowing you to showcase a series of images in an engaging and interactive way.

Step 1: Install Elementor Plugin If you haven’t already, install and activate the Elementor plugin on your WordPress site. You can do this by navigating to “Plugins” in your WordPress dashboard, clicking “Add New,” and then searching for Elementor. Install and activate the plugin.

Step 2: Create or Edit a Page with Elementor Go to the page where you want to add the image carousel. Click “Edit with Elementor” to launch the Elementor editor.

Step 3: Add a New Section In the Elementor editor, you’ll see the page divided into sections. Click on the “+” icon to add a new section where you want your image carousel.

Step 4: Add Image Carousel Widget Once you’ve added a new section, click on the gray “+” button within the section to add a new widget. In the search bar, type “Carousel” to find the “Image Carousel” widget. Drag and drop it onto your section.

Step 5: Upload and Select Images Click on the “Add Image” button within the Image Carousel widget. Upload the images you want to include in your carousel. Once uploaded, you can rearrange the order by dragging and dropping the images.

Step 6: Customize Image Carousel Settings With your images added, you can customize the settings of the Image Carousel widget. This includes options such as autoplay, navigation arrows, speed, and more. Adjust these settings to fit your preferences and the design of your website.

Step 7: Style the Image Carousel Navigate to the “Style” tab to customize the appearance of your image carousel. You can adjust the size of the images, spacing, and other styling options to ensure it complements your website’s design.

Step 8: Update and Preview Once you are satisfied with your image carousel, click “Update” to save your changes. Preview the page to see how your image carousel looks in action.

Step 9: Publish Your Page After reviewing the preview and ensuring everything looks as expected, click “Publish” to make your page live on your WordPress site.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully created an image carousel on your WordPress site using Elementor. This dynamic and visually appealing element can enhance the user experience on your website and showcase your content in an interactive way.

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