PHPUnit is a testing framework for PHP that can be used to write and run unit tests for WordPress. Here are the general steps to set up and run PHPUnit tests on a WordPress website:

Install PHPUnit:

You will need to have PHPUnit installed on your server in order to run the tests. You can install it via composer or by downloading the PHAR file.

Install WordPress testing library:

You will also need to install the WordPress testing library, which provides the necessary functions and classes to run the tests. You can install it via composer or by downloading the library from the WordPress repository.

Create a test case:

To create a test case, you will need to extend the WP_UnitTestCase class and write test methods for the functionality you want to test.

Configure the test environment:

You will need to configure the test environment by setting up a test database and defining the test configuration in a bootstrap file.

Run the tests:

Once you have set up the test environment, you can run the tests by running the phpunit command from the command line.

Automate the process:

You can automate the process by using a plugin like WordPress Test Suite that allows to run the tests automatically on each change on the codebase.

It’s important to note that creating unit tests for WordPress can be a bit more complex than for other PHP projects, as it requires some knowledge of the WordPress codebase and architecture.


What are PHP unit tests in WordPress?

PHP unit tests in WordPress are automated tests that are designed to verify that code written for a WordPress plugin or theme is working as intended.

Why are PHP unit tests important for WordPress development?

PHP unit tests are important for WordPress development because they help ensure that code changes made to a plugin or theme don’t break existing functionality. They also help developers catch bugs early in the development process, which can save time and resources in the long run.

How do I set up PHP unit tests for WordPress?

To set up PHP unit tests for WordPress, you can use the PHPUnit testing framework and the WP_UnitTestCase class that’s provided by the WordPress core. You can then create test cases for each aspect of your plugin or theme that you want to test.

What should I test with PHP unit tests in WordPress?

You should test any functionality in your WordPress plugin or theme that could be impacted by code changes. This includes things like functions, hooks, and classes.

How do I run PHP unit tests for WordPress?

You can run PHP unit tests for WordPress by executing the PHPUnit test runner on the command line. You can also use a plugin like WP-CLI to run tests directly from the WordPress admin interface.

Can I write PHP unit tests for third-party plugins and themes?

Yes, you can write PHP unit tests for third-party plugins and themes. However, you’ll need to have access to the code in order to write tests for it.

How often should I run PHP unit tests for my WordPress plugin or theme?

You should run PHP unit tests for your WordPress plugin or theme regularly, ideally after each code change. This will help ensure that your code is working as intended and catch any issues early in the development process.

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