To set a cookie using the js-cookie library in JavaScript, you can use the set method:

Cookies.set('name', 'value', { expires: 7 });

This will set a cookie with the name “name” and value “value”, which will expire in 7 days.

You can also pass an array as the value of the cookie:

Cookies.set('name', ['value1', 'value2', 'value3'], { expires: 7 });

This will set a cookie with the name “name” and an array of values as the value. The array will be stored as a string in the cookie, with the values separated by commas.

You can retrieve the array from the cookie using the get method:

const cookieValues = Cookies.get('name');

This will return a string representation of the array, which you can then split into an actual array using the split method:

const cookieArray = cookieValues.split(',');

You can then access the individual values of the array using array notation:

console.log(cookieArray[0]);  // Outputs "value1"
console.log(cookieArray[1]);  // Outputs "value2"
console.log(cookieArray[2]);  // Outputs "value3"
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